
As promised, I'm gonna share my laparoscopy experience in this post.

To those who haven't read the first part, do check it out here:

First thing first, let me do some disclaimer.

This is a personal experience of mine and it is not gonna be the same for everyone. 
But I really hope that what I'm about to share can give extra courage to those who are going to undergo the same procedure.

As I have mentioned before, Dr Hamid Arshat advised me to undergo a laparoscopy procedure in order to get thorough view sebab masa initial scanning tak nampak any cyst or fibroid inside my uterus. But based on my monthly period pain, Dr Hamid said there must be some reasons as to why it happens so frequently.

It didn't take much (actually it didn't take anything at all except for Dr Hamid's words) to convince me to go under the knife (but laparoscopy procedure takde belah-belah pun so yeay me). Usually bila any doctor of mine suggested untuk apa-apa rawatan, I memang jenis setuju. I put my full trust on the doctors.  

After dah set date for me to be warded (because I have insurance so Dr Hamid terus masukkan my name for queue at Hospital Pantai Bangsar. He will perform the procedure himself and I couldn't be happier to hear that), Dr Hamid's clinic will make arrangement with my insurance company and get my GL and everything. Guys, how convenience and helpful is that?? Alhamdulillah!

Before warded, I did a lot of readings on what is laparoscopy procedure and how it's done. I specifically Googled for Dr Hamid's past laparoscopy procedure patients' experiences.

I gained lots of new knowledge which is cool and also built courage to go through with the procedure which is way cooler.

I warded a day before the procedure and on that day, I was allowed to eat only until 10 pm and then kena puasa (both makan and minum) sampai lepas procedure which was scheduled tengah hari esoknya.

On D-day, around after Subuh, a nurse came and gave me ubat untuk cuci usus. Based on my readings (remember, I Googled like a lot!), ramai yang berulang alik toilet sampe lebam. But for me, I just went twice and that was it.

Macam ragu-ragu jugak. I was like "Erm, betul ke dah clear usus ni. Kang tengah nak masuk operation theater (OT) nak terberr, aiyooo naya!" so I kept on praying that embarrassing incident will not happen. Alhamdulillah it didn't. :D

Around an hour before nak masuk OT, I was asked to change my clothes into an operation gown and cap. 

Oh ya, the day before, my anesthetist came to visit and see my condition. He was so warm and friendly. He told me to get plenty of rest by sleeping early and worry nothing.

So back to the OT, he was the first (and only) doctor that I remember I saw before dozing off into deep slumber.

I think I woke up a bit early because I was still in the OT (ruang selepas operation). I am not sure but I remember being super gaggy (you know, rasa nak muntah yang amat and then macam tak boleh bernafas a bit because ada tiub yang dimasukkan dalam my tekak. To be honest, I was gasping for air a bit but thank you to the doctors and nurses who tended to me, all is well).

Everything was hazy as I was still in mamai state. Tapi I ingat nurse panggil-panggil nama I and asked me to stay awake. But (surprise, surprise) I couldn't. I tidur back until sampai wad.

Then I saw my mom's and husband's face. I asked for some water sebab tekak memang kering gila since I fasted since the night before. The nurse said I can only drink a liiiiitle bit of plain water because I might throw up if I drink too much. So I sipped a bit of water and fall back to sleep.

I'd say around 11 pm or 12 am, I woke up and felt the urge to pee. It was quite hard to sit up apatah lagi stand up. But the nurse said I can move without worry sebab the stitches all so small-small ones. The doctor only did 2 tebukan / holes on my tummy. So i peed happily and then got back on bed and slept soundly till morning. Dasar kaki tidur. :P

Tomorrow morning, I woke up early. My mom helped me to wash up and change into clean clothes. I can eat already but being put on soft diet only. The hospital gave me fish porridge, fruits and juice.

Not long after that, Dr Hamid came and gave me my diagnosis. He said there is no cyst or fibroid. My uterus is clear.

He told me that the culprit of my constant period pain is my adhesion colic problem that developed through the years from my ruptured appendicitis surgery way back.

There's not much that can be done but pain killers will help to alleviate the "monthly" pain. 

I know that might sound a bit disappointing but alhamdulillah that I don't have anything else to worry about except for taking pain killers every time I experience period pain (you know, the usual).

Then Dr Hamid said I can go home with 20 days of medical leave.

So that summed up my laparoscopy experience at the hospital (2 days and 1 night stay).

When I got back home, I kept myself busy with recovery processes which included sleeping, bed resting, drinking lots of plain water, eating lots of fruits and veggies during the whole almost-3-weeks leave.

Sometimes akan datang rasa sengal and ngilu kat bahagian tebukan and also sekitar (around my lower abdominal). Even right up until now (almost 3 months after procedure), if I sit on a chair (kerusi yang jenis tegak like office chair) or stand up for too long or walk for a long period of time, I get a painful sensation around the said area. 

Therefore, I avoid involving myself in any rigorous activity for the time being. 

Raya photoshoot with my beloved duo,
Fudgy Bolognese (atas) and Shortcake Smeagol (bawah).
They both love us (I know they do) but they are too ego to admit it. 

For those who are going to get warded to undergo laparoscopy procedure, here I list out some of the essentials to be brought together to the hospital:
1. Towel (preferably other than white color because takut terkena darah or luka tebukan)
2. Comfortable clothes (loose pajamas) 2 pasang
3. Kain batik 2 ke 3 helai
4. Pad (boleh bawak yang biasa or maternity pad pun ok. I just used the ones I always wear during menses)
5. Small cushion or pillow or plushy (untuk alas / letak dekat perut to support lepas procedure. It helps to reduce pain)

It is of much convenience if ada family member teman masa kat hospital sebab lepas procedure tu kita akan pening-pening lalat. And we will need assistance to go to the bathroom.

For the first few weeks after procedure, I eat brown rice and whole meal bread. I consume more fruits and veggies (around 2 to 3 servings per day) to avoid constipation. I also avoided oily and spicy foods for weeks after that.

Don't worry if you have to undergo a laparoscopy procedure soon. It is a simple procedure and insyaAllah you will recover quickly.

All you need to remember is get plenty of rest because recovery process for your wound inside is gonna take longer. Even way after your wound outside (luka tebukan) heals.

Semoga kita semua baik-baik aje.

Salam menggemok and Toodles~

Assalamualaikum and Have a great day!!!


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