51st: 2018 ALREADY YAWW
Assalamualaikum Hello good people who's currently reading this. HAPPY 2018 gaizzz!!! It's March already which means 2 months of 2018 has been crossed off. So what have you guys been up to?? As for me, my 2018 started off pretty well, alhamdulillah. I feel this year is gonna be a much better year than the last one. InsyaAllah~ By the way, this year marks the end of my 20s as I have entered the 30 series bandwagon last month. Kalau ada yang nak send hadiah birthday tu belum terlambat lagi ok. :) So since it's new year and it's the cliche time of the "New year, new me" talk, I think I might as well roll with it. For 2018, I have so many plans. Plans for myself. And also plans that include my loved ones. First and foremost, I have made a pact with myself to read, at least, 6 books this year . And I am currently on book number 2. Woohoo to me!! I know 6 books is nothing for some but for me, who is currently struggling so hard to adjust to sev...